Maternity facilities

Maternity Ward progress


Every time a woman in the developing world falls pregnant, her risk of dying is 200 times higher than that of a woman in the developed world.

Every day, 800 women worldwide die of preventable causes linked to pregnancy and childbirth. India leads all nations in the numbers of maternal deaths, with poor rural women contributing disproportionately to the high maternal mortality rate (MMR).

In Cumbum where our medical unit is set up, there is a shortage of good facilities that supports mums have a safe, clean natural birth. We are looking to set up such a facility.

We've already raised 50% of the £65,000 needed to build a maternity and childcare unit above our existing Medical Centre in the Rhema Garden. Can you donate and help us to get another step of the way there?

Maternity Facilities

Maternity Facilities

Maternity facilities in India are dire and the number of women who die from poor care is appallingly high. Our local team have identified a key way to help support women in pre and post maternal care.