Hope Gardens is entirely dependant on the GENEROSITY of others to support those most in need, fighting poverty and enhancing the lives of others.
Our communities facE unstable futures for a multitude of reasons
wondering how much to donate?
Here is a guide to how your one-off or regular donation makes a difference.
UK supporters:
£7.50 / $10
covers the cost of food for a single child at our after school feeding programme for a month
£20 / $35
covers the monthly cost of school fees, uniforms and books for a child
£15 / $19.50
contributes towards the cost of medical supplies for our medical centre
£25 / $40
supports a pastor or student pastor to identify and help those who are marginalised or in need, and provide a base for our key social projects
£100 / $130
covers the cost of a medical camp in one of the outlying villages serving around 440 people
US supporters:
Other ways to give:
In Memory of a loved one
Celebrate the life of your loved one with a gift to Hope Gardens, made in their memory. Please contact Hilary for more details.
Sponsored events are a great way to raise large sums of money for Hope Gardens, (perhaps for one of our Capital projects) and make a lasting impact.
Cheque / Check
UK: Send cheques made payable to Hope Gardens Charitable Trust: Hope Gardens, POBox 404, Cobham KT11 9FJ.
USA: Please make payments via CAF America using this link.
Leave a legacy
Leaving a gift in your will is an incredible blessing that can bring opportunity and hope to others. If you would like to leave a legacy in your will to support the work of Hope Gardens, please click here to contact us or email Hilary who would be happy to help at