2 weeks of Rhema!

How you can help us reach more children in poverty

Whether you've been to India or not you will be well aware the impact poverty has on the lives of millions. At Rhema, we are passionate about raising people out of poverty in rural South India by enabling local people to identify their local community needs and training some to serve others. 

The age old saying 'teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time' is never more appropriate than the work carried out by the Rhema Partnership. Supporting Rhema enables lifetime changes - empowering people to change the course of their future through educating, developing and inspiring an improved life for those we connect with.

Today we launch what we're calling "2 weeks of Rhema" - not a particularly catchy campaign title, but it's exactly what we need; a two week sustained focus to share and grow the work of Rhema so that when Archbishop Samuel goes back to India, he and his team can reach even more children stuck in a trap of poverty. We can't do this alone - we need your support! 

So, here's what we need from you:

  1. Come to our events around the country over the next two weeks, and bring a friend. Our launch event is the Drinks reception at Holy Trinity Claygate on Saturday the 1st of October at 8pm - tickets are still available. We've had to cancel our 6th of October London event unfortunately, but we'd love to see you in Claygate - only half an hour south of London.
  2. If you're on social media - like us and share us! We hope to have some great pictures and posts over the next few weeks of what we're all about
  3. Look out for the mail - your annual review should be arriving shortly, read it, share it - it took us a while to put it together!

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Warm regards,
