We have ploughed, nurtured and blessed our paddy field and now it is ready to harvest! We harvested 6 tonnes of paddy and now it is drying in our dining halls! Find out more about our harvest here
140 jobs created by our paddy field since July
We plough the fields and scatter!
Not just a paddy field
This is not just a paddy field.
It's an employer, a teacher and a source of hope.
By purchasing this it will enable us to sustainable create jobs, offer training in essential farming skills, bring revenue to our community and supply food.
Jobs will be given to local people in our community both full time and seasonally.
Bible college students will be trained in basic farming skills and be empowered to take on the responsibility of learning a new trade which they can in turn share with the communities they ultimately work with after graduating.
Revenue will be brought by the two harvests of rice and the one harvest of alternative crops which our cattle will also benefit from.
The food will be eaten by the children who attend our school for children with disabilities, the children who live in our hostel, our bible college students, our staff and the children in our feeding programme.
This field is a source of hope, it is more than a paddyfield.
By purchasing this it is a hand up and not a handout. If you would like to donate towards our appeal please do click here
Storm Gaja
Do you know the damage that 160km/hour winds can have on a community
Storm Gaja in November 2018 affected Tamil Nadu impacting 8 different districts. Tragically 63 people died mostly in the districts of Thiruvarur, Thanjavur and Pudukottai. The infrastructure of villages was damaged with our Hope Gardens team reporting that 1,000 transformers, 201 electricity substations and 5,000 boats were destroyed.
The impact to families was huge as thousands of small holdings and plantation were destroyed
It has been report that thousands of cattle and birds died and 18000 hectares of coconut trees were uprooted. All of this destruction along with the 56,000 hectares of crops that were destroyed has resulted in loss of income, jobs and food for communities.
Hope Garden’s Relief efforts
Archbishop Samuel worked alongside Pastor Thanjai Williams in Mannargudi identifying the key needs of those impacted. A team from Hope Gardens rented a van drove the 7 hour journey to distributed the relief materials in Pastor Thanjai William’s church premises.
What was in the relief packs?
Wonderful team work by the Bible College Students and Staff at Hope Gardens enabled 100 relief kits to be made up. They contained 5 kg of Rice, lentils, seeds, Masoor Dhall, chick peas, wheat flour, cooking oil, masala powder, biscuits, candles, towels, blankets, bucket, mugs, soap and clothes for children and adults.
Gold Milan reports back from Mannargundi:
Indeed the beneficiaries were happy about the relief materials and conveyed their heartfelt thanks. The pastor provided us lunch and dinner and a place to rest at night. The very next morning we started our jouney back to Cumbum and reached safely in the afternoon.