Yesterday we met and heard the story of a lady who works in our medical centre and was previously one of our sponsored children at the Gardens. She told us how her father died and her father's family completely disowned her family and left them with virtually nothing. Read more about her story and how we can pray for her..
May the Lord guide, lead and feed those he loves
Richard and Tony travel to India this week
Please pray for Richard and Tony (Deputy Chair) as they travel to India this week. Key objectives to meet up with the Indian board and talk about how we can ensure that our projects become more sustainable. This will look specifically at our Pastor and Children programmes. Please pray as they discuss various issues, that cross cultural conversations will go well.
Praise God for Adam and Emily of the CIC Taking Pictures Changing Lives who have spent an amazing 3 days in India this last week taking beautiful pictures of the Garden and the people we are able to help out in India.
Praise God for our Bible College students who have completed their exams last week and are back at school this week in the run up to Christmas.
Nearly 3-fold rise in Dengue Fever this year
Please pray for those who are susceptible to Dengue fever - a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a highfever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash.
Pastor Prakash of our church in Cumbumettu asks if we can pray especially for the children who are particularly vulnerable and that many have been affected. One of the Gardens' staff members suffered from Dengue Fever last month.
Many blame the government for ‘total failure’ of the health department to carry out a proper sanitation programme preceding the monsoon rains (full article here).
Archbishop Samuel: Eye update
Archbishop Samuel: Eye update
Please continue to pray for Archbishop Samuel. This message from his daughter Vasthi
Dad has got fever and throat pain from yesterday...his eye is recovering... The redness is still there.. Pain has reduced...
In praying for Archbishop Samuel's health, please could you also pray against any spiritual attack which he might be experiencing.